Wednesday, May 5, 2010

WYD Saints Named!!!

   A recent article on Zenit listed the approved patron Saints for World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid.  Guess who was on the list.....St. Isadore!  So in short, if you were following this blog you knew a detail about World Youth Day before everyone else!  If you want to read the full story please follow the included link:

The other named Patron Saints for WYD are:

St. Isidore the Worker 
his wife St. María de la Cabeza (of the head, because her head was separated from her body to put on display)
St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross (check out pictures of Avila here
St. Rose of Lima 
St. Francis Xavier; and
St. Rafael Arnáiz (canonized a saint this past October).

Reading the histroy of these saints will give you a rich image of what the Catholic Church was all about in Spain.  Some great Saints came out of these same Churches we will be visiting.  Who knows the changes Gad has in store for you!